Our Portfolio

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Liquid Loans Connect


Liquid Loans

Liquid Loans is a blockchain-based lending platform that provides decentralized finance (DeFi) services, including lending and borrowing using cryptocurrencies and digital assets. It allows users to leverage their crypto assets as collateral to secure loans in a peer-to-peer manner, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries like banks.

Project Details

Liquid Loans Connect is a DeFi lending platform on the blockchain, leveraging EtherJS for smart contract interactions and Wallet Integrations for enhanced user experience. It utilizes a robust tech stack including JavaScript, Redux, and Styled Components for a dynamic front-end, complemented by NextJs for optimal web performance. The platform ensures top-notch security and efficient content delivery through Cloudflare, with backend operations powered by NodeJs and MongoDB, and data management and visualization handled by Kibana and Elasticsearch. AWS's scalable cloud infrastructure, combined with Serverless Framework, supports seamless scalability, while Stripe manages secure financial transactions.

  • nexticonEtherJs
  • nexticonDevops
  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticon Redux Saga
  • nexticonNextJs
  • nexticonCloudflare
  • nexticonKibana
  • nexticonElastic Search
  • nexticonWallet Integrations
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonStripe
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonServerless Framework
  • nexticonStyled Components




PromptPal is a comprehensive platform where users can find and utilize a wide range of prompts and bots for different AI applications. It allows easy searching and usage of prompts, catering to various AI platforms, making it a one-stop solution for AI enthusiasts seeking to enhance their interaction with different AI technologies.

Project Details

PromptPal is a dynamic marketplace for creative prompts, serving over 20,000 users and 1,000 paying customers. It integrates AI technologies like GPT, Bard, and Stable Diffusion for content generation. The platform uses Sanity for content management, Next.js for server-side rendering, and Vercel for hosting. Hasura provides instant GraphQL APIs, Memberstack manages memberships and AWS offers cloud services. PromptPal caters to both free and premium content generation needs.

  • nexticonNextJs
  • nexticonTypeScript
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonDynamoDB
  • nexticonLangChain
  • nexticonKubernetes
  • nexticonpostgreSQL
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonGPT APIs




Multivender associated with a multi-vendor platform. It serve as an online marketplace where multiple vendors can sell their products or services in one centralized location.

Project Details

Dimerc is a dynamic, multi-vendor online marketplace and a leading office supply vendor in Chile. It provides a centralized platform for a diverse range of vendors to sell to a broad audience. The platform uses JavaScript, ReactJS, and MongoDB for a responsive, user-friendly interface and efficient database management. It offers a secure and scalable environment for vendors to manage and grow their online presence. Dimerc's goal is to foster a thriving online community for convenient vendor-customer transactions.

  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticon Serverless Framework
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonKibana
  • nexticonElastic Search
Client :


Category :

E-Commerce, Web Development



Crew Fare

CrewFare provides travel and transportation solutions primarily tailored for crew members working in the aviation and maritime industries. These solutions often include flight and accommodation bookings designed to meet the unique needs of crew members.

Project Details

Crewfare is a platform offering travel and transport solutions for aviation and maritime professionals, focusing on flight bookings and accommodations. Its tech stack includes NextJS for user experience, CoreJS, Typescript for application development, Emotion for styling, and SST for serverless applications. The platform uses Material UI, DynamoDB, NodeJs, AWS, and AWS Lambda for a scalable, serverless architecture. Google Analytics, GraphQL, Module Federation, and Authorized.Net enhance user engagement, social media integration, micro frontend architecture, and secure payments. Comprehensive Unit Testing ensures reliability and functionality.

  • nexticonNextJs
  • nexticonTypeScript
  • nexticonMUI
  • nexticonAuthorized .Net
  • nexticonServerless Framework
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonAWS lambda
  • nexticonDynamoDB
  • nexticonUnit Testing

Asecure Cloud


Asecure Cloud

Asecure Cloud introduces an AI-powered assistant to revolutionize cloud management, offering a streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly approach. This innovative solution simplifies building, securing, and operating cloud infrastructures, transforming cloud management into an interactive, conversational experience.

Project Details

Asecure Cloud leveraging a sophisticated tech stack including ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Kibana, Mocha, AWS Lambda, AWS, Amazon Pay, Elastic Search, JavaScript, and ChatGPT AI, offers an innovative cloud management solution. This AI-powered assistant simplifies and enhances cloud infrastructure management through a user-friendly interface built with ReactJS and robust backend services using NodeJS and MongoDB. Kibana and Elastic Search provide advanced data analytics, while AWS services ensure scalable cloud operations. Mocha ensures robust testing, and the integration of Amazon Pay facilitates secure transactions. The inclusion of ChatGPT AI transforms cloud management into an interactive, conversational experience, making the platform highly efficient and accessible.

  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonKibana
  • nexticonMocha
  • nexticonGPT APIs
  • nexticonAWS lambda
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonAmazon Pay
  • nexticonServerless Framework




Moonhub is the world's first AI-powered recruiter providing sourcing and recruiting services for startups and growing businesses. It is a recruiting partner built for client's hiring needs. Conversational AI works with clients to analyze market data and design the best strategies to maximize the quality and speed of hiring.

Project Details

Moonhub is an AI-powered recruitment platform designed for startups and enterprises, using advanced conversational AI for market analysis and recruitment strategies. It's built with React and TypeScript for a robust architecture. The platform runs on Google Cloud for high performance, utilizes Python for AI algorithms, and leverages Google Analytics for user insights.

  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonTypeScript
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonPython
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonGoogle cloud




Pivot is to help companies and employees transition to remote work. Pivot offers resources and solutions for remote work, including guides, tools, and articles that can help businesses and individuals adapt to the challenges and opportunities of remote work environments.

Project Details

Pivot is a platform designed to support the shift to remote work, offering tools, guides, and articles. It uses TypeScript and ReactJS for a robust, user-friendly interface and NodeJs for scalable backend functionality. The platform employs GraphQL for efficient data querying and AWS for reliable cloud services, including AWS Lambda for serverless computing and DynamoDB for database management. This tech stack ensures Pivot provides a comprehensive, seamless experience for users adapting to remote work environments. .

  • nexticonTypeScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticongraphQL
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonAWS lambda
  • nexticonDynamoDB



Go Aimly

Goaimly is designed to enhance fundraising efforts, enabling users to focus more on their passions and make a greater impact within their communities. This tool streamlines the fundraising process, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness for community-driven initiatives.

Project Details

Goaimly is a platform aimed at enhancing community bonds, primarily through fundraising for meaningful causes. It utilizes JavaScript and NextJs for a seamless user experience, complemented by MUI for a responsive interface and Swiper for interactive features. The backend is powered by NodeJs and MongoDB, ensuring robust data handling, and AWS provides a reliable cloud infrastructure. This tech stack, along with a focus on Clean Code Design, makes Goaimly an effective tool for uniting communities and driving impactful philanthropic initiatives.

  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonNextJs
  • nexticonMUI
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonAWS




Popl is a company that provides physical and digital business cards through a small, scannable NFC (Near Field Communication) tag. Users can create digital business cards with their contact information, social media links, and other details. These digital business cards can be easily shared with others by having them scan the NFC tag with their smartphones or by using a QR code. It's a modern approach to exchanging contact information.

Project Details

Popl is a platform that innovates contact sharing with its NFC tag-based business cards, integrating physical and digital interactions. It uses TypeScript and ReactJs for front-end development. The backend is supported by NodeJs and MongoDB, ensuring efficient data handling, while the Serverless framework aids in cloud-based operations. Performance and reliability are assured with Kibana, Elastic Search, and Jest for testing. The platform accommodates various payment options, including Amazon Pay and PayPal, and uses Amazon S3 for secure data storage.

  • nexticonTypeScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonKibana
  • nexticonMocha
  • nexticonJest
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonAmazon Pay
  • nexticonPayPal
  • nexticonElastic Search
  • nexticonServerless Framework

My Repapp


My Repap

My Repapp is an automated appointment scheduling platform designed to streamline the process for medical practices. It allows offices to eliminate the need for confirmations, follow-up calls, and manual calendar entries due to its intuitive user interface. This platform is tailored for medical practices to start using it immediately without the complexity of learning new software.

Project Details

My Repapp is built with .NET Core for backend operations, and JavaScript, ReactJs, and Redux create a responsive front-end. The server-side architecture is supported by NodeJs and MongoDB, ensuring efficient database management. Stripe integration offers secure payment processing, while Bootstrap enhance the UI/UX design. Additionally, the platform is developed as a Progressive Web App (PWA), ensuring a smooth, app-like experience across different devices.

  • nexticon.NET Core
  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonRedux Saga
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonStripe
  • nexticonBootstrap




Meraki is an innovative ecommerce platform developed by Merakipoint LLC, focusing on delivering high-quality products coupled with exceptional customer service. The platform aims to create a unique shopping experience that prioritizes customer satisfaction and product excellence, establishing itself as more than just a regular online store.

Project Details

Merakipoint LLC offers a unique e-commerce experience focused on quality products and customer service, built with a diverse tech stack. The frontend is developed with JavaScript and ReactJs, ensuring an interactive and dynamic user interface. NodeJs and MongoDB provide a strong foundation for server-side performance and data management. Enhancing the site's functionality, while PHP and MySQL support the robust backend infrastructure.

  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonPHP
  • nexticonMySQL




Theplot is a platform that allows users to create, manage, and customize websites for their business or personal needs. It provides website-building tools and features to help individuals and businesses establish an online presence.

Project Details

Theplot is an online storyboard creator that enhances video production, allowing scriptwriters and visual artists to collaborate efficiently. It's built using JavaScript and NextJs, ensuring a responsive and high-performance user experience. Yoast SEO integrates seamlessly for optimized content management. Theplot's infrastructure is bolstered by AWS and DynamoDB, providing robust cloud services and database management. reCAPTCHA and Cloudflare are key for security, protecting against bots and ensuring network safety. This tech stack combines to make Theplot a comprehensive, secure, and efficient tool for the modern video production team.

  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonNextJs
  • nexticonSEO
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonDynamoDB
  • nexticonCloudflare

Exodexa - Faster Learning Through Games



Exodexa is a pioneering educational platform that enhances children's learning through engaging and award-winning games, aimed at boosting knowledge retention up to 10 times faster.

Project Details

Exodexa is an educational technology platform combining learning with interactive gaming, significantly improving knowledge retention for children. It features a ReactJs frontend for dynamic interactivity, paired with MySQL for robust database solutions, while NodeJs supports efficient backend operations. The platform integrates Stripe for secure payments, Yoast SEO for online visibility, and JetPack for performance and security enhancements. AWS Lambda underpins the system, ensuring scalable and efficient server-side processing.

  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonMySQL
  • nexticon AWS lambda
  • nexticonJetPack
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonStripe
  • nexticonYoast SEO




Talksay is a unique platform enabling users to express themselves authentically in their native language, fostering community connections among those with similar experiences, and aiding in identity building through shared communication.

Project Details

Talksay is a platform designed to enhance authentic self-expression and community building in various languages. It's developed with JavaScript and ReactJs for a dynamic and responsive interface. The platform adheres to Clean Code Design principles for streamlined and efficient operation. NodeJs and MongoDB form the backbone of its robust backend and database infrastructure. Additionally, Talksay utilizes WebFlow for engaging web design and GraphQL for optimized content sharing, fostering a rich and interactive user experience.

  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonWebFlow
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticongraphQL
  • nexticonMongoDB




The website provides an online shopping experience where you can explore and purchase Stella McCartney's clothing, accessories, and other fashion items. Additionally, it offers information about the brand's sustainability initiatives, ethical practices, and more.

Project Details

The Stellamccartney website is a sophisticated online platform showcasing Stella McCartney's fashion range with a focus on sustainability. It is built using TypeScript and Angular for a robust and interactive user experience, complemented by Bootstrap for responsive design. The site's security and performance are enhanced by Cloudflare and meticulously tested through Integration Testing with Jest. PayPal and Stripe provide secure payment options, while the backend, powered by NodeJs and MongoDB, ensures efficient data management, all hosted on AWS for reliability and scalability.

  • nexticonTypeScript
  • nexticonAngular
  • nexticonBootstrap
  • nexticonCloudflare
  • nexticonMocha
  • nexticonJest
  • nexticonPaypal
  • nexticonstripe
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonAWS




Resolute Documentation Services (RDS) has a proven record of success in providing secure transcription services to federal, state and municipal government agencies throughout the United States as well as commercial entities.

Project Details

Documentationusa powered by Resolute Documentation Services, excels in providing secure transcription services for various government and commercial clients. It features a front-end developed with JavaScript and ReactJs, ensuring dynamic and responsive user interactions. The platform's content management system is built on WordPress with MySQL and PHP, facilitating efficient data handling. MongoDB enhances database capabilities, while Yoast SEO and Google Analytics optimize for search engines and provide user behavior insights. GraphQL protocol supports expanded content sharing, making Documentationusa a model of precision and excellence in transcription services.

  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonMySQL
  • nexticonYoast SEO
  • nexticongraphQL
  • nexticonPHP
  • nexticonMongoDB
  • nexticonGoolge Analytics
Client :

Documentationusa Connect

Category :

Transcription Services ,Web Development




Archangel Tablets is a preferred classroom technology supplier for K-12 schools across the country. We provide the latest technology from the top brands.

The Archangel-admin panel, serving K-12 educational institutions, streamlines technology management with over 7000 active users. It's developed with Nestjs for a scalable backend and PostgreSQL for reliable database management. The front end is built using React and TypeScript, ensuring a responsive and intuitive interface. GraphQL and Apollo enhance data handling and API interactions, boosting the platform's efficiency. Adhering to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles, the panel effectively meets the complexities of educational technology management.

  • nexticonNestjs
  • nexticonpostregSQL
  • nexticongraphQL
  • nexticonApollo
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonTypeScript
  • nexticonDomain-driven design

Aghaz - Funded Islamic FinTech



Aghaz lets people practice goal-based values-added investing – by investing only in stocks of companies that do not involve alcohol, gambling, interest, cigarettes. Users can make a goal (to buy a car for example), deposit funds, set up a recurring payment, and enter a time duration for the goal to mature. When successful, users can withdraw the funds into their account.

Project Details
  • Development of mobile application in react native with redux, plaid, bio-auth, firebase analytics, crashlytics and fcm
  • Development of back-end in node js with sequelize js, mySql, passport js, lodash, middlewares, aws serverless architecture, aws lambda, aws sqs, aws ses, logging and audits
  • Development of web-based client platform in next js with bootstrap, lozad, redux
  • Development of web-based admin platform in react js with tailwind css, datatables, react router
  • Deployment of solutions to cloudfront, s3, lambda, route 53, aws amplify
  • Discussing solutions with drivewealth and plaid and integration of apis and hooks for different phases of transactions and users management
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonNodeJs
  • nexticonNextJs
  • nexticonSequelize
  • nexticonMySQL
  • nexticonAWS
  • nexticonAWS lambda
Client :


Category :

FinTech ,Web Development

Secure Locker Rentals


Secure locker Rentals

Locker rentals let students and parents book lockers for an academic year from a wide array of schools and locker types in the UK. Seekers can login, select their school and visually select a locker. Parents can also book lockers for multiple children of theirs. After a smooth checkout process, the lockers are to their name for the year. Seekers can also preselect a pin code for their locker.

Project Details
  • Development of web-based admin platform in react js with laravel
  • Development of a web-based client platform in javascript.
  • Dynamic locker booking facility, one of UK’s biggest school locker booking site
  • Development and maintenance throughout the lock down phases in the UK.
  • nexticonMySQL
  • nexticonLaravel
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonPHP
  • nexticonJavaScript
  • nexticonAWS
Client :

Doug Mueller

Category :

Cloud Development ,Web Development

Digital project planner to purchase and import ready made templates to Asana for project management


Project Plans

Digital Project Plans enables users to opt-in for pay as you go and subscription packages. Once inside a membership plan, users can select a project plan template and upload the plan onto Asana.

Project Details
  • Development of backend in Java SpringBoot
  • Development of a web-based client platform in ReactJs.
  • Deployment to ECS through ECR and Docker for Backend
  • Deployment to S3 and CloudFront with Code Pipelines
  • Development and maintenance throughout the lock down phases in the UK.
  • nexticonJava SpringBoot
  • nexticonReactJs
  • nexticonAWS Cognito
  • nexticonAWS Lambda
  • nexticonCloudFront
  • nexticonRDS
  • nexticonDocker
  • nexticonMySQL

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